Free Hex Code to RGB Color Converter ▶ Quick Color Code Conversion Tool

Hex to RGB Color Converter

Enter 6 digits hex color code and press the Convert button:

About Hex to RGB Color Converter

Welcome to our blog post on hexadecimal to RGB color code conversion! If you work in design or web development, you know the importance of color in creating visually appealing and effective projects.

But with so many different color models and codes out there, it can be confusing to know which one to use and how to convert between them. That's where a hex to RGB converter comes in handy.

In this post, we'll explain what hexadecimal and RGB colors are, how to manually convert between them, and the benefits of using a converter to automate the process.

By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of how to work with these color codes and how to use a converter to save time and ensure consistency in your projects.

What is hexadecimal?

hex code to rgb color convert

In computing and electronic systems, hexadecimal (also known as hex) is a positional numeral system with a base of 16. It uses 16 distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0-9 to represent values zero to nine, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively a-f) to represent values ten to fifteen.

Hexadecimal is often used to represent colors in web design and development, as it allows for a more concise representation of colors than the RGB color model.

In HTML, CSS, and other programming languages, colors can be specified using a six-digit hexadecimal code, with each pair of digits representing the intensity of the red, green, and blue color channels.

For example, the code #FFFFFF represents white, #000000 represents black, and #FF0000 represents red.

What is an RGB color code?

RGB (Red Green Blue) is a color model that uses three values to represent a specific color. These values, which can range from 0 to 255, represent the intensity of red, green, and blue in the color.

By combining different intensities of these primary colors, a wide range of additional colors can be created. RGB is frequently used in digital media and graphic design.

Here are some examples of RGB color codes and the corresponding colors they represent:

  • (255, 0, 0): Red
  • (0, 255, 0): Green
  • (0, 0, 255): Blue
  • (255, 255, 0): Yellow
  • (255, 165, 0): Orange
  • (255, 255, 255): White
  • (0, 0, 0): Black
  • (128, 128, 128): Gray
  • (148, 0, 211): Purple

What is HEX to RGB Converter?

A HEX to RGB converter is a tool that allows you to convert a color specified in the HEX color model to the RGB color model.

The HEX color model uses a six-digit hexadecimal code to represent a color. The code consists of three pairs of two hexadecimal digits, representing the amount of red, green, and blue in the color, respectively.

For example, the HEX code "#FF0000" represents the color red, because it has a full amount of red (FF) and no green or blue (00).

The RGB color model, on the other hand, uses three values ranging from 0 to 255 to represent the amount of red, green, and blue in a color.

For example, the RGB values for the color red are 255, 0, 0.

A HEX to RGB converter allows you to easily convert a color specified in the HEX model to the RGB model, which may be useful if you are working with programming languages or applications that use the RGB model.

How to convert hex to rgb

Here is a step-by-step guide for converting hexadecimal to RGB using an online tool:

  1. Go to an online seo tool hex to RGB converter tool >
  2. In the "Hex" field, enter the hexadecimal color code that you want to convert to RGB. The hexadecimal code should be 6 characters long and start with a "#" symbol. For example, #FF0000 represents the color red.
  3. Click the "Convert" button or press enter.
  4. The converter tool will display the corresponding RGB values in the "RGB" field. The RGB values represent the amount of red, green, and blue in the color, with each value ranging from 0 to 255. For example, the RGB values for the color red are 255, 0, 0.
  5. You can use the RGB values to specify the color in various programming languages or applications that support the RGB color model.

HEX to Color formula

To convert a hexadecimal color code to an RGB color code, you can use the following formula:

RGB = (r, g, b)

where r, g, and b are the red, green, and blue values, respectively. These values can be calculated as follows:

r = int(hex[1:3], 16) g = int(hex[3:5], 16) b = int(hex[5:7], 16)

Here, hex is the hexadecimal color code that you want to convert. It should be a string of the form "#rrggbb", where rr, gg, and bb are the red, green, and blue hexadecimal values, respectively.

For example, to convert the hexadecimal color code "#00ff00" (which is a bright green color) to an RGB color code, you would use the following:

r = int("00", 16) = 0 g = int("ff", 16) = 255 b = int("00", 16) = 0

So the RGB color code for "#00ff00" is (0, 255, 0).


In conclusion, converting hexadecimal to RGB is a simple process that can be accomplished using the formula RGB = (r, g, b), where r, g, and b are the red, green, and blue values, respectively.

These values can be calculated by taking the corresponding values from the hexadecimal color code and converting them to decimal using base 16. This can be useful for working with colors in digital media, such as on a website or in graphic design software, where you may need to specify the exact colors you want to use.

By understanding the basics of hexadecimal and RGB color codes and knowing how to convert between them, you can have more control and flexibility when working with colors in the digital realm.