Free Meta Tags Analyzer ▶ Analyze Your Meta Tags for SEO

Meta Tags Analyzer

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About Meta Tags Analyzer

In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of meta tags and how a "Meta Tags Analyzer" tool can help improve a website's visibility and search engine optimization.

We'll go over the different types of meta tags, their importance and how to use a meta tags analyzer effectively to identify and fix any issues.

 By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of how to use meta tags to improve your website's search engine rankings and overall visibility.

What is Meta Tags?

Free Meta Tags Analyzer Tool

A meta tag is an HTML tag that provides information about a webpage to search engines and other web crawlers. Meta tags are placed in the head section of a webpage's HTML code, and typically include information such as the page's title, description, and keywords.

The title tag and description tag are often used by search engines to display the title and description of a webpage in search results, while the keywords tag is used to indicate the page's main themes or topics.

Other meta tags such as robots tag, open graph tags and twitter card tags can also be used to provide additional information to search engines and social media platforms.

Meta tags in html example:

Here is an example of a meta tag for the title of a webpage:


<title>Example Website</title>


Here is an example of a meta tags for the description of a webpage:


<meta name="description" content="This is an example website for demonstration purposes.">


The title tag is required for all HTML documents and it's the text that appears in the browser's tab.

meta tags analyzer tool

In this example, the title tag provides the title of the page, which is "Example Website". The meta description tag provides a brief summary of the content on the page, which is "This is an example website for demonstrating the use of meta tags."

The meta keywords tag provides a list of keywords related to the content on the page, which are "example", "website", and "meta tags". The meta robots tag tells search engines to index the page and follow the links on it.

What is Meta Tags Analyzer?

A meta tags analyzer is a tool that can be used to analyze the meta tags on a website. Meta tags are HTML tags that provide information about a web page, such as its title and description, to search engines and other web crawlers.

A meta tag analyzer can help identify issues with the meta tags on a website, such as missing or duplicate tags, and can provide suggestions for how to improve the tags for better search engine optimization (SEO).

Onlineseotool meta tag analyzer analyze other on-page SEO elements such as header tags, alt tags, and keywords.

How to Analyze Meta Tags?

  • Go to google meta tags analyzer >
  • Enter the URL of the page you want to analyze in the designated field.
  • Click on the "analyze" button.
  • Onlineseotool analyze the page and generate a report.
  • Review the report and pay attention to the feedback on the title tag, meta description, meta keywords, and other meta tags.
  • Make changes to your meta tags based on the feedback provided by onlineseotool.

Try Our Free Meta Tag Generator >

Types of meta tags:

There are several types of meta tags that can be used in the HTML of a web page, including:

Title tag:

The title tag is the most important meta tag and provides the title of the page, which is displayed in the browser's tab and as the title of the page in search engine results.

Meta description:

The meta description tag provides a brief summary of the content on a page and appears in search engine results.

Meta keywords:

The meta keywords tag provides a list of keywords related to the content on a page.

Meta robots:

The meta robots tag tells search engines whether or not to index or follow the links on a page.

Meta viewport:

The meta viewport tag is used to control the layout of a web page on mobile devices.

Meta charset:

The meta charset tag is used to define the character encoding for the document, usually utf-8

Meta Refresh:

The meta refresh tag is used to redirect the user from one page to another after a certain amount of time.

Open Graph tags:

The Open Graph tags, such as og:title, og:description, and og:image, provide information about a page that is used when the page is shared on social media platforms.

These are the most common meta tags you will see on web pages. However, there are other meta tags that can be used depending on the specific needs of the website.

Difference between meta tags and meta description

Meta tags are HTML tags that provide information about a web page to search engines and website visitors. The meta description tag is one type of meta tag and provides a brief summary of the content on a web page.

This summary appears in search engine results and gives users an idea of what the page is about before they click on it. Other types of meta tags include the title tag, which provides the title of the page, and meta keywords, which provide a list of keywords related to the page's content.

Importance of meta tags and meta description
  • Meta tags provide information about a web page to search engines to determine relevance and ranking.
  • Meta descriptions appear in search results and help increase click-through rate.
  • Meta tags help website visitors understand the content and context of the website.
  • Meta descriptions provide an idea of the page's purpose, which can help visitors decide whether it's worth visiting.
  • Meta tags and meta descriptions are important for SEO and visitors' user experience.

How to optimize meta tag :

  • Use unique and descriptive titles
  • Write compelling meta descriptions
  • Use relevant keywords
  • Avoid keyword stuffing
  • Keep meta tags short
  • Use the correct character encoding
  • Use open graph tags
  • Use tools to analyze and optimize your meta tags
  • Create high-quality content and regularly update your website.
Do meta keywords help seo?

Meta keywords are HTML tags that provide a list of keywords related to the content of a webpage. In the past, search engines used the meta keywords tag as a ranking factor. However, due to the widespread abuse of this tag by webmasters, most search engines no longer use the meta keywords tag as a ranking factor.

Instead, Google search engines now use other factors such as the content of the page, the number and quality of external links pointing to the page, and the behavior of users on the site to determine the relevance and ranking of a page.

As a result, including meta keywords on your website is no longer necessary and could even harm your SEO. Google search engine may even penalize your website for including meta keywords if they suspect keyword stuffing.