URL Rewriting Tool ▶ Simplify & Optimize URLs

URL Rewriting Tool

Enter a URL

Eg. http://www.example.com/test.php?firstid=1&secondid=10

About URL Rewriting Tool

In this blog post, I will discuss the basics of URL rewriting and how it can be used to improve the user experience and search engine optimization of a website. We will also look at some examples of how URL rewriting is used in practice and the benefits it can bring to a website.

What is URL Rewrite?

URL Rewriting Tool

Rewrite URL is a technique used to make web pages more user-friendly and search engine friendly. It is a process of converting a dynamic URL into a static URL or a more user-friendly URL.

This technique is used to improve the readability of the URL and make it more memorable for users. It can also help to improve the website's search engine rankings by making the URLs more search engine friendly.

For example, a dynamic URL for an e-commerce website could look like this:


This URL is difficult for users to remember and not search engine friendly. By using URL Rewrite, the URL can be rewritten as:


How to use Our url rewriting tool ?

Here is a step-by-step guide for using an online URL rewriting tool:

  1. Go to our rewrite url tool page > www.onlineseotool.net/tool/url-rewriting-tool
  2. Input the original URL and the new URL in the designated fields.
  3. Click the generate button
  4. Online Seo Tool will rewrite the url for you.
  5. Open the .htaccess file in a text editor and paste the generated code.
  6. Save the .htaccess file
  7. Test your rules by visiting the old URL in your browser. It should redirect to the new URL
  8. Monitor the behavior of the website and the traffic to the new URLs.
  9. Repeat the process for any other URLs that you want to redirect or rewrite.

It's important to note that URL rewriting rules can be complex and you should test them carefully before deploying them on a live website. It's also important to make a backup of your .htaccess file before making any changes.

URL Redirect Checker - URL Redirect Checker

Why URL rewriting is important:

URL rewriting is important for several reasons:

  1. User Experience: URL rewriting makes URLs more user-friendly and easy to remember, which can improve the overall user experience.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engines use URLs to determine the structure and content of a website. By making URLs more descriptive and relevant to the content, it can help improve the website's search engine rankings.
  3. Security: URL rewriting can be used to hide the actual path of a file on the server, which can help increase website security by making it harder for hackers to guess the location of sensitive files or data.
  4. Website Analytics: By rewriting dynamic URLs into static URLs, it can make it easier to track website analytics and gain insights into how users are interacting with a website.
  5. Branding: A short and memorable URL can help with building a brand and increasing brand recognition.
  6. Easy to share: A user-friendly and memorable URL is more likely to be shared and passed on by visitors.
  7. Reducing Complexity: Long and complex URLs can be reduced to shorter, more readable versions, making it easier for users to navigate the website.

Advantages of Custom URL Generator

Custom URL Generator has several advantages, including:

  1. Improved user experience: URL rewriting can make URLs more user-friendly and easy to read, which can improve the overall experience for website visitors.
  2. Better search engine optimization: Search engines like Google use the URL structure as a ranking factor. Clean, user-friendly URLs can help improve a website's search engine rankings.
  3. Increased website security: URL rewriting can be used to hide sensitive information, such as session IDs, in the URL and make it more difficult for attackers to access.
  4. More control over website structure: URL rewriting allows you to control how URLs are structured on your website, which can help you organize your content in a more logical way.
  5. Redirecting of old urls to new ones can be done which can help in maintaining the existing traffic.
  6. Can be used for masking the actual location of files for dynamic systems like CMS and frameworks.
  7. Improves readability and aesthetics of the website.
  8. Allows for better tracking of website statistics.

Mod Rewrite

Onlineseotool mod rewrite generator is a tool that generates the necessary code for the Apache mod rewrite module, which allows for URL rewriting and redirects on a website.

This can be useful for creating clean, user-friendly URLs, and for redirecting traffic from old URLs to new ones. Some mod rewrite generators allow you to enter the original URL and the desired rewritten URL, and then generate the code for you to include in your .htaccess file.

Using a custom URL generator is a simple process and can be done in a few steps. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this post, you can create effective custom URLs that will enhance the user experience on your website.

It's important to note that custom URLs should be used with caution and care. It's recommended to test the custom URLs thoroughly before deploying them on a live website and to monitor them for any unexpected behavior.

Additionally, it's a good practice to have a backup of the .htaccess file or the custom url generator rules before making any changes.